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Thoughts on Friends....

Sometimes I feel that these *fake* friends I find on the internet understand me more than many who have known me for years. I suppose this might be because you can choose to connect with who you like on the net. It might also be because I have grown and am now a different person than I was when I made friends with the others.

It's sad, though, when old friendships die. There are a few in particular I keep hoping will be rekindled, like those coals from last night's bonfire that spark again in the morning when you toss a log on... but that doesn't mean I'm willing to do all the work. Friendships aren't meant to be one-sided.

People have been fake. Fake friends have been real. I've connected with those I never thought I might. Life is a true mystery, a whirlwind roller coaster and I am along for the ride.

So much for a poem a day. Here's to random thoughts, renewal, love and connection- wherever we find it.


  1. I know what you're saying. I've had similar experiences.

  2. I totally know what you mean.

    Sorry I haven't been around. I dont use facebook anymore. The other profile u found was one i created because my mom was trying to add me on my other one. ha.

    Anyway, I hope you are doing well. I've been drowning in school work... and I am so ready to be done. I graduate in May and I just cant wait. Adam and I finally set a wedding date- Nov 14, 2009. So it's been crazy!

    What have u been up to? When did you move back home?

  3. well said friend, well said! I cannot agree more!

  4. A poem a day sounds very ambitious and admirable. We'll be happy to share your thoughts on those less poetic days. You write well and are a pleasure to read.

  5. This is so true. I have the same thoughts about friends. Thanks for visiting my blog and entering the contest. :D

  6. Hi, You one my give away! I am glad I got to check out your blog, poetry and quotes. As I was reading, I thought of my best friend who I have drifted away friend and your poetry is so much like hers, maybe I shouldn't give up on that friend.

  7. I agree. I have noticed this as of late. Love your blog....

    Thanks for your visit to my blog
    (Wordless Wednesday-Bunny at Computer...hehe)

    I am a new blogger (less than a month) and appreciate all visits.

    if you liked my was nominated for Best New Homeschool Blog...I would love your vote....I am saddly behind in the poll as of here is where you vote.



  8. You put into words what I couldn't say but felt.

  9. Sometimes it feels like those "virtual" friends aren't that judgemental and are in the same boat you are. I have a lot of friends who don't relate to the married and kids thing, but there are a whole lotta supportive people online. And that keeps me sane.

  10. I am new here! What a great blog :)

  11. I'm visiting from SITS! Happy SITSmas!

  12. Hey girl of novel writing. Thanks for your comments over at my place. A lot of thought in one comment. I appreciate that!

    As to friends, they come in many different forms and rear their heads at strange times but in the end, we find them were we need them, and sometimes unwittingly become a friend to someone in need. As you said, mysterious ways.

  13. I feel the same way. A while back I blogged about old friendships lost too that I keep wishing will be the same way again. I am new to blogspot, but I still feel like some of the strangers that visit my blog get me better than my real friends ever did.

    I wanted to thank you for stopping by my recent post too.I am so glad you stuck by your man, and that someone out there understands my blog first hand.

    Take care and Merry Christmas!

  14. Amen sister!
    Why can't we go back to 2nd grade, when a BFF ment something.

  15. "It might also be because I have grown and am now a different person than I was when I made friends with the others." --- i can really relate to this... thanks for putting into words what i'm feeling for the past several years...

  16. Just stopping by from SITS!
    Loved your entry. I feel the same way sometimes.
    For me it's hard to keep friends anyway, move around too much. So it's easier to keep up with people online.

  17. Thank you so much for visiting my Blog today & Laughing with me.
    Come back anytime.

  18. Love it. I love your two cents! Feel free to blog over and link up to two cents tuesday

  19. I think this might because we bear what is our truer self here.

  20. Interesting, isn't it? When I moved far away from my hometown, I thought I knew who would keep in touch and who wouldn't. Boy, was I ever wrong..and surprised.

  21. You have some great writing here, Jaden.

    Sometimes, I am surprised with who I click with among my internet friends.

  22. Well said.

    The blogosphere is an interesting place for finding kindred spirits.

    Thanks for stopping by Crumbs, too! Glad I could give you a laugh! :)

  23. Popping over from SITS roll call! I was surprised as well to find so many wonderful people in "blog world."

    Have a wonderful day!

  24. So glad you stopped by today...what a great post and one I definitely can relate to! Enjoy your day!


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